Floating Production Intelligence

Floating Production Intelligence

  • Annual five year outlook and forecast FPSO database - The online database is updated every day – with information direct from primary sources. In the database are details for 200+planned projects, 390+ installations in service, 40+ floaters on order and 40+ floaters available. The database is fully searchable. Customized charts and spreadsheets can be directly produced from the database. Data are easily exported to excel spreadsheet.

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Kitimat LNG, Apache MOU 8/11/2009 12:27:31 AM

Kitimat LNG Inc. announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Apache Corporation to supply natural gas to Kitimat LNG's proposed liquefied natural gas export terminal. The MOU sets a framework for Kitimat and Apache…

18 O&G Leaders Appointed to NOIA Board 4/16/2014 1:53:31 PM

The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) appointed 18 industry leaders to its Board of Directors on April 10, 2014 during its Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Appointed to their first term on the Board of Directors: Benjamin G. Bordelon…

BP in Talks to Sell Stake in Alaska Oil Field 7/12/2010 12:48:53 AM

According to a July 11 report from companiesandmarkets.com, BP is in talks with Apache Corporation concerning the divestment of $12b of assets. The asset sale would include a large stake in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, which is the largest oil field in North America.

Offshore Drill Ship Secured for East African Field 4/10/2012 3:19:35 AM

Pancontinental Oil & Gas operator, Apache Kenya, secures deepwater drilling ship for giant Mbawa Prospect Pancontinental Oil & Gas announce that the Kenya L8 licence operator Apache Kenya Limited (Apache) has secured the use of the deepwater…

Teekay Offshore Raises Distribution; Completes FSO Acquisition 10/3/2007 9:44:50 AM

Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (Teekay Offshore or the Partnership) (NYSE: TOO) announced that its general partner has increased its quarterly cash distribution by $0.035 per unit, from $0.35 per unit to $0.385 per unit ($1.54 annualized) as…