Ithaca Energy Inc. announced completion of flow test operations on the third development well on the Stella field, with the well achieving a flow rate of 12,492 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Well 30/6a-B1Z (“B1”) is the third development well drilled on the Stella field.
Ithaca Energy Provided its operations update ahead of today’s Shareholders Meeting. The details are as follows. The third development well on the Stella field, well 30/06a-B1X (“B1”), has been successfully drilled to a total measured depth subsea of 16,185 feet.
Ithaca Energy Inc. is pleased to report that, further to the announcement made on 23 June 2014, it has now completed the acquisition of the three UK producing oil field interests from Sumitomo Corporation (“Sumitomo”). Ithaca has acquired Summit Petroleum Limited (“SPL”)…
Costain Upstream’s project management and development engineering specialist EPC Offshore (EPC) said it has marked a major milestone in Ithaca Energy’s Greater Area Stella development with the load out of the subsea structures completed on time and within budget.
Services firms compete for late life assets; $335 billion prize still up for grabs. Streamlining processes and better planning are vital. Smaller oil producers are teaming up with engineering and oil services companies in Britain's North Sea…