Floating Production Intelligence

Floating Production Intelligence

  • Annual five year outlook and forecast FPSO database - The online database is updated every day – with information direct from primary sources. In the database are details for 200+planned projects, 390+ installations in service, 40+ floaters on order and 40+ floaters available. The database is fully searchable. Customized charts and spreadsheets can be directly produced from the database. Data are easily exported to excel spreadsheet.

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BMT Delivers Metocean Support for Tullow Oil 4/2/2014 12:32:29 PM

BMT ARGOSS (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT Group, has announced the award of a number of metocean assessments for Tullow Oil Plc., including comprehensive overviews of meteorological and oceanographic conditions in West Africa and South America,…

Hermes Datacomms Wins Two-year African Support Contract 5/22/2013 9:21:17 AM

Hermes Datacommunications International Ltd., a company providing Wide Area Network communications to the upstream oil and gas industry, won a contract to support Tullow Oil plc. for their operations in Africa. The 24-month deal sees the company…

Uganda Repossesses Oilfield From Tullow 5/14/2014 4:16:43 AM

Uganda   said it repossessed an oilfield that belonged to   Tullow Oil Plc   after the period allotted to appraise the site expired. The   London -listed exploration company said the field was uneconomical. Uganda   expects to start pumping…

Tullow Oil in Red but Committed to Africa Strateg 7/30/2014 4:23:59 AM

* Oil and gas explorer reports $95 million loss * Write-offs of $402 million on dry holes in Africa , Norway * Revenues, production fall Tullow Oil Plc drifted into the red after writing off more than $400 million in exploration costs but the…

Kosmos Energy Update on Drilling Cedrela-1 Exploration Well 7/7/2011 10:49:01 AM

Kosmos Energy KOS 0.00% today provided an update on the company's drilling of the Cedrela-1 exploration well offshore the Republic of Ghana. The "Transocean Marianas" semi-submersible drilling rig, under contract to another operator in Ghana…


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Angus ****** , Exploration Director,
Terry ****** , Director - Project TEN, i**o@tullowoil.com