Floating Production Intelligence

Floating Production Intelligence

New Fleet Management System Debuts at SMM 2012

September 4, 2012

Floating Production Intelligence LLC.

Applied Weather Technology, Inc. (AWT) introduces its Fleet Decision Support System (FleetDSS).

The new fleet management system is completely customizable, designed to improve efficiency and fleet safety while facilitating reductions in total voyage costs.

"The shipping industry is in constant change and the needs of fleet managers change with it. To respond accordingly, AWT has worked closely with its customers to develop its fully customizable fleet management system," said Skip Vaccarello, president and CEO of AWT. "With FleetDSS, we provide a range of practical tools which give fleet managers the flexibility they need to manage their ships safely while simultaneously enhancing vessel performance."

Ships are displayed in a Global Mercator projection map with full-screen capability. FleetDSS has an extensive filtering capability that allows companies with large fleets to focus on the few vessels that need the most attention for safety or performance reasons.

In addition to the customized alerts, FleetDSS includes several safety alerts.  Operators can see alerts when there has been a recent pirate attack within the vicinity, if vessels are entering a war risk area, and if there are any hazards nearby.  Operators are also easily able to view dangerous weather conditions such as rogue wave risk areas, iceberg areas, significant wave height, tropical cyclones and more.

The dashboard feature allows operators to easily manage the vessels based on the filters selected. This makes it quick and easy for an operator to address those vessels with the highest risk first. Reports can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet and used in meetings or company reports.

Operators can view alerts when any issue comes up with the voyage, ensuring that their attention is focused where it is needed most. These alerts are customer-controlled and customizable to meet the needs of each specific voyage. With one glance at the dashboard, operators can see which ships are at elevated risk and may need immediate attention.


Floating Production Intelligence

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